Tuesday, October 27, 2015




  1. Spelloween.. Spelling game
  2. Movie Scenes. The best movie scenes for Halloween.
  3. Elllo.org Listening. Halloween.
  4. Interesting facts about Halloween
  5. Listening (American English) Halloween


  1. Elementary Word Search Puzzle. Halloween
  2. Crossword Puzzle. Halloween.
  3. Intermediate Word Search Puzzle. Superstitions

Reading Comprehension: A Cloze Exercise for Halloween by Makoto Nakazawa 

  1. Exercise 1Rearrange the words into the correct sentence.
  2. Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with the words given.
  3. Exercise 3. A Matching Exercise.
  4. Exercise 4Read the text on the right and click on the correct answer.
  5. Reading. Trick or Treating – Gap fill exercise
  1. Popular Superstitions Around the World. (pre-intermediate)
  2. History of Halloween. (intermediate listening comprehension). How much do you know about the history of Halloween?
  3. Halloween in the USA (advanced). Listening quiz about how people celebrate Halloween in the United States.
  4. Spooky Travel Destinations (intermediate). Listening quiz about haunted and scary Halloween destinations in the USA.
  1. This is Halloween. Prepositions gap fill

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